Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have arrived.

To the second trimester that is :) It technically starts at 13w 3d and here I am! I can't believe it. It totally crept up on me. I'm officially one-third done this pregnancy. Phew. It's been a long 13 weeks.

I'm still dealing with morning sickness all day. I seem to peak in crumminess around 2 pm and then again around 6 pm. Once I get to 8 pm I'm fine. Usually. I just jinxed myself, didn't I? LOL.

In baby development news...
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

When I read that part of my baby's eggs, it made me shutter. Thinking about my child's reproductive systems makes me pause and pray that my child will NEVER have to go through the horrible things I went through to have a child. It's so scary to think about. I still don't feel comfortable with the fact that everything is a-ok, but I'm trying to enjoy it all (aside from the m/s). It's an everyday occurrence that I take a minute and talk to my belly and tell my little Nugget that s/he better still be in there growing strong!


Newt said...

Welcome to the second tri! Put your feet up and stay a while!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS - you are 1/3 closer to have that little nugget in your arms. Keep up the good work. Listen to Newt and put your feet up and stay a while. Love hearing all this good news.

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

Yay! for the second trimester

Malloryn said...

Happy graduation to you!

Ariella said...

I am doing the happy dance for you. The 2nd tri is so much better than the first. Plus in a week or two your m/s will be almost completly gone! Welcome the the second tri sista!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

Congrats on reaching the second trimester!

I'm sorry about the all day sickness though- but that's a sign your nuggett is a strong little tyke!

Emily said...

YAY for 2nd trimester! Woo-hoo!!!!
Sorry you are still sick.
Crazy fact about the eggs isn't it???
Here's to a happy, healthy, vomit free 2nd tri!

Katie said...

You said all the right things! I'm thinking we will wait until we pass the date of our first loss. If we aren't pregnant by then, I'm going to the Dr(s) to see what we can do. I don't have it in me to sit around and wait in hopes that my left ovary is producing eggs that might make it into the left tube. I think I had convinced myself (because everyone kept telling me) that since we got pregnant once we can do it again. You are right-it was with 2 tubes, so even if we did get pregnant once, it doesn't mean it will happen fast again.

I'm so glad you are in the second tri! It's so exciting. I have something I'm sending you this weekend if I can get my butt in gear.

Big hugs!

Baby and Me said...

Whoo hoo! Hopefully the morning sickness will end for you soon!