Monday, June 9, 2008

Ahh, the quiet

I'm not feeling so great, pretty queasy, and I'm having a hard time eating very much. I know I need to eat properly for Nugget but for now toast and a cherry popsicle will have to do. What do you ladies eat/drink to be sure you're getting enough vitamins and nutrients when you have bad food aversions?

Today has been very peaceful without Reilly. Don't get me wrong, I miss her terribly, but man do I love the quiet :D Jimmy and I just took a very nice nap. It's about 100 degrees outside today so we're just vegging inside in the AC.

Here is a picture of Jimmy and Reilly when I woke them up yesterday morning to take Reilly to her new home. I'm going to miss the cuteness of these two...


Queenie. . . said...

Have you tried making yourself shakes with a little protein powder? I know I had a recipe once that someone gave me, which involved a banana, some protein powder, some ice cubes, and I can't remember what else, but they said they could always keep it down even when nothing else would work.

Hope you feel better soon!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

I didn't mean to send you out of your chair! LOL! thanks for the well wishes!

My favorite word (and thank you for asking) is F*ck. I know it's not a nice word, but I can use it so many different ways to express so many emotions :)

K @ ourboxofrain said...

Shakes can work, as Queenie mentioned. Even without the fruit, if that's too much to handle. Even if your food is lacking in nutritional value, taking your prenatal vitamin will make sure you get enough good stuff for you and the nugget. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Sunny said...

Via NaComLeavMo.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will keep you and nugget in my prayers. I don't have any good solutions for balancing your diet with the food aversions. I did the best I could, but basically I just ate like crap. :/

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

also- I tagged you. I know you probably have been tagged a lot already, but I'm not original.

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

also- I tagged you. I know you probably have been tagged a lot already, but I'm not original.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say congats on the heartbeat! Do you know that once they can detect a heartbeat, your rate of miscarriage goes down to like 5%? I am totally positive things will go wonderfully for you this pregnancy! As for the nausea, my suggestion is to eat every couple hours. It is the only thing that worked for me. Cute dogs, by the way. How is Jimmie feeling without Reiley? He looked like he reall loved her.
