Thursday, May 7, 2009

4-month check-up

First, thanks to k@ourboxofrain who commented on my last post about sleep regression. That makes total sense!

My little baby is getting so big...13 lbs 4 oz!!!!
His check-up went great and he was so brave for his shots. He's now starting on solid food, with rice cereal coming first. We did the cereal last night and he LOVED it. LOVED it I tell you. He didn't miss a single little drop. And I credit the cereal for getting him to sleep well last night. I feel very well rested today and he woke up in a great mood.

The only thing we need to work on is getting him to turn his head to the left. He favors the right side so we need to stretch his neck a bit to get the left side as limber as the right. He's holding his head up perfectly now so we're hoping that issue will go away by next month's appt.


Emily said...

He is so flippin cute!!!!!
4 months already? Wow, time flies!

Patty said...

He is one happy little boy! What a cutie pie!

K @ ourboxofrain said...

He's getting so big so quickly!

I love his outfit -- we have the same outfit for Harry (in the 12month size) and can't wait for it to be warm enough out for him to wear it.

Kristin (kekis) said...

Can I have him? You know . . . just for a little while! EJ's so cute that Todd, the menagerie and I would have a great time just hanging with him.