Thursday, September 30, 2010

Double Trouble

My u/s was this morning and Lisa was right...I'm having TWINS!!! There are two perfect little gestational sacs. The u/s tech said she could see one of the yolk sacs and the other was a little faint to see. She was surprised to see either since I'm only 4w5d. I go back in a week and we're hoping to see heartbeats then.

Here's a picture of my little ones...


Debbie said...

awwwww, maria! how exciting!!! congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

WOWZA!!!! How are you feeling? Feel free to email me separately - I am so excited for you - and if you want to send me your address, I will ship you some books that you will love re twins.

Congrats - and do not wait to long to get zofran!!! Make sure it is the dissolvable kind though!

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

omg!!! congrats!!!