Beta #1 on Monday was 90. Today (4 days later) my RE said he's looking for anything over 300. My beta came back at 621. That's a doubling time of about 34.5 hours. Wahoo!!!!! Still knocked up :)
My lining looks great at 14.9mm and I go back on Thursday when we'll hopefully be able to see a sac on the u/s.
I've been having a ton of "pinching" on either side of my abdomen. The nurse said that's normal and it's just my ovaries shrinking down from when the emptied follies filled up with fluid/blood after the retrieval (or something like that). As long as she says it's normal, that's all I care about. LOL.
OMG, EJs siblingS are burrowing quite nicely!!! I had so many cramps, pinching, pulls, etc. it terrified me...but I really think you have more than one so expect it!!! When is your u/s?
wahoo! that is great news
I see your u/s is Thurs! Did your SIL get a bfp?
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